job instruction - определение. Что такое job instruction
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Что (кто) такое job instruction - определение

Job instruction; Employee manual; Staff handbook

Employee handbook         
An employee handbook, sometimes also known as an employee manual, staff handbook, or company policy manual, is a book given to employees by an employer.
Job hunting         
  • [[Job fair]] for new university graduates in [[Japan]].  See "[[Simultaneous recruiting of new graduates]]".
Job seeking; Job search; Job applicants; Job applicant; Job searching; Job hunt; Job-hunting
Job hunting, job seeking, or job searching is the act of looking for employment, due to unemployment, underemployment, discontent with a current position, or a desire for a better position.
blow job         
  • Female bats perform fellatio to increase copulation time. This species is the only non-primate known to exhibit this behaviour.<ref name=plos />
  • Depiction of fellatio on Attic red-figure kylix, c. 510 BC
  • Oral sex depicted in the ''[[Kama Sutra]]''
  • An illustration of a woman deep-throating a man
  • An illustration of two men performing fellatio on each other
  • Illustration by [[Édouard-Henri Avril]] (1849-1928) of fellatio scene
Blow Job; Blowjob (disambiguation); Blow Job (disambiguation); Blow Job (film)
¦ noun vulgar slang an act of fellatio.


Employee handbook

An employee handbook, sometimes also known as an employee manual, staff handbook, or company policy manual, is a book given to employees by an employer.

The employee handbook can be used to bring together employment and job-related information which employees need to know. It typically has three types of content:

  1. Cultural: A welcome statement, the company's mission or purpose, company values, and more.
  2. General Information: holiday arrangements, company perks, policies not required by law, policy summaries, and more.
  3. Case-Specific: company policies, rules, disciplinary and grievance procedures, and other information modeled after employment laws or regulations.

The employee handbook, if one exists, is almost always a part of a company's onboarding or induction process for new staff. A written employee handbook gives clear advice to employees and creates a culture where issues are dealt with fairly and consistently.